Window screens come in a variety of materials, from aluminum to fiberglass. They also use different methods to hold the screen in place. Some sit in a channel, while others have spring frame clips.

If your screen is long, support can help prevent it from sagging. You can purchase these from your local home improvement store. You’ll be glad you read this!


A window screen is a great way to keep out insects, improve airflow, and enhance energy efficiency. But when it gets damaged or worn, you need to repair it. Fortunately, repairing and installing new window screens is easy enough for any homeowner to do. All you need are a few tools:

Start by removing the old screen and examining the frame for any metal staples or nails. If they’re present, use a screwdriver or awl to pry them out.

Then roll out enough screen mesh to cover the frame. Make sure to leave an extra two inches of material on all sides. Then trim it to size with scissors. Next, position the spline into the channel of the frame. This is where you need to be careful not to stretch the screen. Insert the spline using the roller’s grooved (convex) side. Work around the window, putting in each corner one side at a time. Work fast, but don’t rush so you don’t accidentally tear the mesh.


Window screens are subject to a lot of wear and tear. They are open and closed often, and are exposed to harsh weather elements such as rains and winds. With time, the constant opening and closing of windows can cause damage to the screen material or even the frame itself.

For homeowners looking to repair their window screens, the best solution is to purchase a kit that has all the necessary materials. A good kit will include a metal frame, screen mesh, and spline. A spline roller is also essential to have as it helps secure the screen mesh into the frame by pressing the spline into the groove.

Start by removing the old screen from the window frame and placing it on a flat surface. The spline is the foam-like cord that holds the screen in place and is easy to pull out with a screwdriver. If the spline looks worn and brittle, set it aside to bring to a hardware store when purchasing replacements to ensure that you get the right size.


Achieving a snug fit is important to the longevity of window screens. Regular use and exposure to the elements can lead to fraying or tears in the screen material, as well as loosening from its frame. Properly preparing your screens prior to installation can help prevent these issues.

Examine the old frame for any spring clips or other hardware that might be securing the existing screen. If any are found, remove or release them, then set the frame aside. If the frame is in good shape, consider keeping it and reusing it with new screens.

Place the replacement screen over the frame, positioning it evenly and with no wrinkles. Then, using a spline roller, press the flexible vinyl cord (known as spline) into the spline channel groove in the frame. After securing the spline, trim any excess with a utility knife. Note: It’s best to complete this step during mild weather, as windy or rainy conditions can make handling the screen material difficult.


Installing new window screens or replacing old ones is a simple home improvement project that can be completed by a competent DIYer. However, for the best results, a professional contractor should be used.

Before installing the new screen, remove and discard the existing frame. If the spline is brittle or damaged, replace it with a new spline, available at most home improvement stores. The spline should be slightly thicker than the groove in the frame and should fit snugly.

Roll out the replacement screen mesh over the frame, leaving 2 or 3 inches of extra material on each side. Trim the edges of the mesh with scissors. Then, using the spline roller, push the spline into the groove of each frame piece around the perimeter of the screen. This process takes a little time, but it’s easy once you get the hang of it. The spline should be pushed in firmly, but not so hard that it causes the screen to sag or bow. Discover more interesting articles.